Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Garden of the Gods – Family Portraits

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Taking the steps out into "professional" photography is a bit frightening but I was was given a spirit of power.  It seems the more I jump in and take greater and larger steps the better and sweeter it gets! 
It helps when you have a stunning family to photograph.
Van I
We spent the afternoon walking around the Garden of the Gods competing with the wind.  I am not kidding you as soon as they showed up so did the wind.  We were mostly successful in avoiding the wind by dodging behind rocks and trees.  In the end we got some much needed breaks from the wind.

Garden of the Gods is one of the Springs’ awesome attractions. 
Van I-19
Van I-11
Van I-9

These next 2 may be my favorite from the day.
Van I-10
Van I-3
The locations and possibilities were endless.
The kids by themselves.  It seems most girls have a smile always waiting.  The boys are a bit tougher to get a smile but the parents usually have some tricks up their sleeves.
Van I-8

Van I-7

Van I-6
Van I-15

One of my previous clients wanted a “boys” picture and a “girls” picture and it was a hit so we did that again.
Van I-18
Van I-16
Thank you so much for coming out.  You guys make this photography thing so easy.
That’s all for now.  See you all again soon
Van I-4
Van I-5

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